CLT 6061 Allison Transmission

  • Horse Power Min: 525
  • HP Horse Power Max: 700
  • HP Entrée Vitesse min: 1800 rpm
  • Entrée Vitesse max: 2500 rpm
  • Engrenage: transmission mécanique
  • Gears Forward: 6 Gears inverse: 1 En option vitesses arrière: (optionnel)
  • Type d'huile: C-4, 15Quantité W40 huile: 18 gallons
  • Montage: SAE Non. 1 Logement SAE No automatique Flywheel. 1 Automatic Flywheel Housing with Flexplate Drive
  • Poids à sec min: 2200 lbs Poids à sec Max: 3050 lbs
  • Ratio convertisseur de couple: TC-683 TC-682 TC-680
  • Système de contrôle: Hydraulique Manuel électronique
  • Moteur en option Driven prise de force: Montage latéral Prise de force (Intermittent ou continu) Top Mount PDF (Intermittent ou continu) PTO positions et dispositions Déterminée Sur le modèle
  • système de refroidissement: Élément refroidisseur monté à distance

The Allison CLT6061 or CLT6061-4 also referred to as CLT6061 is a powerful transmission offering a large amount of input horse power and torque in a compact design with lockup (1 à 1 direct drive as opposed to using the converter), multiple torque converter ratios, 6 speed forward through a manual electric hydraulic both 12 volt and 24 volt control, in addition the most popular 6 speed manual hydraulic valve body providing ultimate control of the power behind the CLT 6061. Some applications run over 700HP with performance enhancements. S&W Power Systemsa can supply manufacturers, suppliers or re-seller’s, forwarding companies, procurement companies and most important end users here in the United States, and locations WorldWide. All Transmissions are fully remanufactured Rebuilt and Dyno tested for 4-6 hours. This transmission is a staple in the oil and gas industry for high pressure and high volume pumps, pompes à boue, drilling and workover support including; pump down, twin pumpers, high pressure pumping and well stimulation, coil tubing applications and nitrogen.